Bogomilism and Project Monarch - MK Ultra
It would be difficult not to link this Bogomil ritual to the one practiced by the Paulicians. The paternal link seems clear on this point, but also more broadly speaking, it is noticeable in terms of population migrations. Indeed the Manichaean sect of Paulicians were neighbours to the Bulgarian Bogomils and the Paulician colonies boasted a strong presence in Slavic territory close to Armenia which was an opportunity to preach all along the length of the Bulgarian border. Moreover, the few differences that the Byzantine commentators established between the Paulicians and the Bogomils can in itself establish the close relationship between the two sects, because for the authors of the treatises against this heresy, Bogomilism was an East to West displacement of the same cult.
In light of this information, our understanding becomes clearer regarding certain allegations more or less based on the "satanic" rituals in relation to those perpetrated by certain "adepts" of Project Monarch - MK Ultra.
As we have seen, the Bogomil and Paulician religion which was strongly present in the Slavic countries is likely to be at the origin of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud's theories on incest and also inspired the latest techniques of mental manipulation implemented by researchers at the Frankfurt school of psychiatry. Incest and schizophrenia therefore appear to be the foundations of Mind Control. Which turns out not in fact, to be the result of a discovery by Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, but a modernisation via technological processes of a sectarian and ritual protocol which was held by the Bogomil and Paulician sects in the framework of their belief in reincarnation. We mention in conclusion, two articles summarised by us, firstly relating to Schizophrenia as a form of government in the Soviet Union, and secondly about the psychiatric conditioning and ritual sectarian or cultic tendencies inherent in incestuous and pedophilic individuals.
Schizophrenia as a form of government
In his article entitled "A Soviet madness" which appeared in the newspaper Liberation (note 25), journalist Thomas Hofnung recounted, not without some humor, that: "In the Soviet Union, the people make a "pretence of working" because, they say, the state makes a "pretence of paying them." This is called the savok.... Better to live with it. The rare individuals who refused to comply with the law of the system and who raised their heads above the parapet were ruthlessly punished. But not just in any old way. They were sent to Psychiatric Mental Hospitals.
Incarcerated in these Institutions they were supposed to be cured of their "schizophrenia", because surely, only deranged people would attempt a reform, or heavens forbid, try to leave the communist paradise on earth.
Rife with promiscuity, rape, non-existent sanitation, and coupled with the brutality of the nurses, these Soviet mental health facilities were far worse than the prisons. The tortuous ordeal for the inmates had no end; with the political detainee knowing nothing about the length of their detention. To be released, the detainee had to wait until the day of the inspection, and facing the doctors, had to swear they would never do it again. The system eventually collapsed. Events have vindicated this handful of "schizophrenics" who were right alone against all. The doctors were not at all concerned. And it is Russia which, in the absence of introspection, had remained schizophrenic. "
"It is a sad reality, using mental conditioning techniques to ensure the docile "collaboration" of "recalcitrants" within a political system that has all the hallmarks of a state religion".
Disturbing visual of an interred psychiatric patient
Soviet propaganda poster
Note 1: Associated Press, "Omaha Tales of Sexual Abuse Ruled False", The New York Times, September 27, 1990.
Note 2: Associated Press, "Trial is delayed in Omaha Scandal", The New York Times, March 31, 1990.
Note 3: William Robbins, "A Lurid, Mysterious Scandal Begins Taking Shape in Omaha", The New York Times, December 18, 1988.
Note 4: Interview of Massimo Introvigne, president of CESNUR (Center for Studies on New Religions), held 9 November 2006 by the CICNS (Centre for Information and Counseling on the New Spirituality), organised by Harmattan Publishers, which published in that year, Introvigne's book entitled "Brainwashing: myth or reality". This work of Professor Introvigne emphasises that brainwashing is notably the speciality of sects.
Note 5: Leviticus 18:6 ‘None of you shall approach anyone who is near of kin to him, to uncover his nakedness: I am the LORD. The nakedness of your father or the nakedness of your mother you shall not uncover. She is your mother; you shall not uncover her nakedness. The nakedness of your father’s wife you shall not uncover; it is your father’s nakedness. The nakedness of your sister, the daughter of your father, or the daughter of your mother, whether born at home or elsewhere, their nakedness you shall not uncover. The nakedness of your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter, their nakedness you shall not uncover; for theirs is your own nakedness. The nakedness of your father’s wife’s daughter, begotten by your father—she is your sister—you shall not uncover her nakedness. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s sister; she is near of kin to your father. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister, for she is near of kin to your mother. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s brother. You shall not approach his wife; she is your aunt. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law—she is your son’s wife—you shall not uncover her nakedness. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother’s wife; it is your brother’s nakedness. You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, nor shall you take her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness. They are near of kin to her. It is wickedness. Nor shall you take a woman as a rival to her sister, to uncover her nakedness while the other is alive.'
Note 6: The term "dissociative identity disorder" appears in 1994 in the DSM-IV (Volume 4 of the Dictionary of Mental Health).
Note 7: The terminology applied to schizophrenia is still being debated in the scientific world.
Note 8: The two camps that we are talking about here are the U.S. and the USSR. In the spirit of Patrick McGoohan who directed the series, these two opposing camps within the framework of the Cold War, will probably end up looking into a mirror one day, and learn not without a certain amount horror that they have become similar. The "Village", whose owners consider it a "perfect blueprint of world order", collectivist and totalitarian, in this context would be the ultimate weapon of mind control, the Trojan horse sent by the Russians to the United States in order to win the final game of chess being waged by both sides since the Second World War.
Note 9: In 1955, three years before directing "Vertigo," Hitchcock encounters Francois Truffaut during an interview on behalf of the magazine "Cahiers du Cinema". It was then that Truffaut offered Hitchcock a book project that he wanted to write about the latter's career. This project will result in Truffaut's book entitled "Hitchcock" published in 1966 by Robert Laffont Editions. This work being the result of a four-year collaboration between Truffaut and Hitchcock.
Note 10: In the book "Du cinématographe", a collection of writings by Jean Cocteau "collected by André Bernard and Claude Gauteur (Editions du Rocher, 2003), we read that Freud had psychoanalysed Cocteau's first film: Le Sang d'un poète (The Blood of a Poet) (1930). As such, it is noteworthy that Cocteau's most significant achievement is undoubtedly the three films that make up the trilogy of Orpheus: Le Sang d'un poète (1930), Orphée (1950) et Le Testament d'Orphée (1960). "Here, the myth of Orpheus becomes a kind of myth of the poet which I started to draft twenty years ago with "The Blood of a Poet," wrote Jean Cocteau in "Du cinématographe", p. 204.
Note 11: "A Question of Miracles", produced by Antony Thomas and released in 2001, in the series "America Undercover" on the U.S. television network HBO.
Note 12: Quote from Paul Lafargue in his book "Le déterminisme économique de Karl Marx - Recherches sur l'origine et l'évolution des idées de justice, du bien, de l'âme et de dieu" ("The economic determinism of Karl Marx - Research on the origin and evolution of ideas of justice, of good, of the soul and of God") (1909), in the section: "Origin of abstract ideas" in the first paragraph - "conflicting opinions about the origin of abstract ideas."
Note 13: Interview with the Orthodox Father Alexander Mumrikov, dean of the Russian Orthodox Church, conducted in March 1993 by Dennis Lewis during a visit to Moscow at the offices of the magazine "Inward Path" and published on his website. Dennis Lewis is an American writer who has studied Eastern philosophies such as Taoism and the Advaita, as well as the work of the Armenian esoteric George Gurdjieff. Dennis Lewis now teaches his knowledge in various locations across the United States, such as the Esalen Institute, the New York Open Center, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, as well as various lectures on Qigong (a Mandarin Chinese term used to describe various Chinese systems of physical and mental training for health, martial arts and self-enlightenment).
In this interview organized by the editor of the magazine and managed through the intermediary of an interpreter, brother Mumrikov notably evokes a procedure which has devastating effects akin to torpid schizophrenia, and which today is still practiced in Russian monasteries. The harmful effects of this "initiation" dare we say it, are called the "gift of tears" in the Russian monastic tradition.
Link to the text of the interview:
Relevant extracts from the written account of Dennis Lewis
"I was especially fascinated by Father Alexander’s background: he was educated as a physicist, specializing in charged particle accelerators and ultra high frequency energies. After graduating from Moscow University in 1970, he went through many changes. He worked as a physicist, studied Tibetan and other Eastern philosophies, wrote articles on icon painting at the Andrei Rublov Museum, and modeled the atmospheric environments of the planets. He became an altarist in the Russian Orthodox Church, headed the department of theology and Bible studies for the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, and lived for a time at the monastery of St. Balaam in northern Russia.
Another excerpt:
Q: So the icons and chalices of the Church are symbolically related to energy?
A: Yes. They represent the science of those people who have learned how to direct their energy. They are able to feel the chalice in themselves and to watch the transformation of energy as it takes place. There are not many such people, and in general the process is a very difficult one. It is connected to the gift of tears of the monastic tradition. When this process begins, a person has difficulty communicating with others. He really feels as though his soul is separating from his body. The process is extremely slow and painful, for many deep changes at the level of energy take place. A person who is unable to be aware of this process, or who is unable to master it, may become physically or psychologically ill for a very long time. In most cases, the process must be guided by someone who has already gone through it. A necessary condition for the traveler on the spiritual path is that he must totally obey the guide.
Q: Doesn’t the demand for obedience raise the problem of the conflict between the authority of the church and the authority of inner realisation?
A: The pressure of authoritarianism appears when there is a problem of personality. In Russian Orthodoxy, the personality has no authority. A special psychology exists which is the opposite of Western psychology. It is connected with the transformation of consciousness so that it is not authoritarian. …”
Note 14: Georgi Vasilev of the Bulgarian academy of literature, from his study dedicated to Alexandre Fol, printed in1995.
Note 15: Wakefield, W. Introduction. - In: Heresies of the high middle age. Selected sources, translated and annotated by W. Wakefield and A. Evans. New York - London, 1969. p. 9.
Note 16: Guiraud, J. History of the Inquisition in the middle ages (Origines de l'inquisition dans le Midi de la France. Cathares et Vaudois). Paris, 1935, p. 60.
Note 17: БАН. Архив на Йордан Иванов, ф.52, оп.1, а.е.54 Богомилството. Прераждане на душите; а.е.73 - Никодимово евангелие.
Note 18: « L'homélie d'Epiphane sur l'ensevelissement du Christ ». (“The Homily of Epiphanius on the burial of Christ”): ancient Slav & Greek text translated into French by A. Vaillant. - In: Radovi staroslavenskog instituta. T. 3. Zagreb, 1958, p. 13.
Note 19: The Homily of Epiphanius..., p. 25.
Note 20: Богданов, Б. Орфей и древната митология на Балканите. София, 1991, с. 67.
Note 21: Богданов, Ив. Веда Словена и нашето време. София, 1991
Note 22: Теодоров, Е. Древнотракийското наследство в българския фолклор. София, 1972. С.59, с.263.
Note 23: Иванов, Й. Българските народни песни. София. 1959. c. 164.
Note 24: Горанов, Б. Тракийските митове за Орфей и български легенди за изкусни свирачи. Фолклор, език, народна съдба. София, БАН, 1979. с.202.
Note 25: Article entitled « Une folie soviétique » (“A Soviet madness”) by Thomas Hofnung, published in the French newspaper Libération, on April 3, 2002, and available at the following link:
Note 26: Former associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the Pierre Mendès-France University of Grenoble, professor at the Université de Savoie in Chambéry, former consultant doctor at the “Sauvegarde de l'Enfance” (departmental association for the protection of children) in the city of Lyons, France. Excerpts from the issue no. 3 of « Peau d’Ane » magazine, published by the association “SOS Inceste pour Revivre”, May 1992.
As far as the specialists are concerned, incest and mental manipulation remain inseparable
The study by Reynaldo Perrone, "Director of the “Institut de formation et d'application des thérapies de la communication” in Lyons, France (Institute for the Formation and Implementation of Communication Therapy)" (note 26), concerning the ritual and religious character of incestuous behavior, shows us once again (just in case we were not already convinced) that incest may be the most effective and insidious method of conditioning and brainwashing that ever existed:
The incestuous abuser is in a position of "High Control" in relation to the victim, and the communication between them "is through a permanent breach of logic", by a succession of ambiguous behaviour, "so that sometimes the abuser appears authoritarian, sometimes persuasive, and sometimes very dynamic. This break in logical communication makes the one who tries to decipher what the other is telling him to do, unable to understand. It is as if he has to pay attention to many faces all at once." (Do we not see here a relationship between this behaviour and the emergence of multiple personalities?) "It's like he is in front of a totem with various faces speaking all at the same time. Although the incentive is to stick to the authoritarian interlocutor, yet since - as we have said before - that person is always changing, it's impossible for him to find a consistent semantic continuity, and this hesitation leads to a state of exhaustion, fatigue and finally, abandonment."
The method of conditioning is done in three phases:
"The breaking and entering, i.e. the penetration into the intimate territory of the subject."
"The capture can be prepared by the abusers in the context of certain rituals.... The victim comes closer, is deceived and drawn in."
"The programming is to ensure that when you open the cage, the prey does not escape.... It is a way of putting something into another person's head, so that he conforms to what has happened to him."
"When incest continues over several years which is often the case, the victim becomes trapped in a spider web like relationship that gradually nibbles away little by little, sapping his strength and any potential he might have for opposition: this does not amount to consent. It is rather a relationship in which one, the incestuous father, steals his daughter's body and where the other, the victim, is "taken in", without ever imagining an alternative or voicing opposition."
In the chapter headed "Techniques of bewitchment by the abusive father," we can read the following: "What are the techniques used by the Sorcerer father? The father does not seduce his daughter, he manages his advances by crippling her ability to reason, making her confused and creating within her a loss of critical thinking, making any rebellion impossible. For the girl, there is at the same time non-consent, and acceptance. It is this lack of consensus that brings us closer to a metaphor for the enchantment. "This kind of spell" causes a collapse of criticism in those who hear it, understanding that whoever hears it.... is a child emotionally and physically dependent on he who utters the spell. "
Finally, we say that the history of Project MK Ultra seems to be the culmination of a somewhat surprising Slavic psychiatric and religious heresy whose current impact on today's world can't be quantifiable due to the absence of any additional data.
Isaac Ben Jacob